The Church spent twenty centuries building walls? And now we must build bridges?

Moved by the divine command to evangelize all nations and baptize all in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church has never spared efforts to overcome all boundaries in order to proclaim the Good News to all peoples without exception. Yet, ever since apostolic times, every missionary has also been obliged to combine daring with prudence, so as not to let himself be contaminated – through his own weakness – by those who reject the Redeemer’s universal call to conversion.Continue Reading

At the Final Judgment, Christ will be an advocate and not the judge?

The contemplation of the imposing drama of the Last Judgment has always been of immense benefit to the faithful; and even in our days, it’s an efficacious element for awakening consciences and calling to conversion. A subject that appears with clarity and frequency in the Sacred Scriptures, the Last Judgment holds great pastoral value and is easily understandable by all. The Church condenses this truth of the faith in the definitive and simple words that Catholics pray daily in the Creed: Christ will come ‘to judge the living and the dead.’Continue Reading

Atheists do good? They are also children of God? And heirs to God’s kingdom?

Do good and avoid evil…without doubt that’s everyone’s obligation, since no one is able to stifle that inner voice that, in the depths of the heart, constantly indicates this obligation. But…is everyone able to respond to this call in the same manner, with equal clarity and equivalent effects?Continue Reading

Boasting of his sins? Did Saint Paul really do that?

‘For a correct interpretation of Sacred Scripture it is therefore necessary to seek attentively what the hagiographers have truly wished to state and what it has pleased God to express in human words.’ This is the wise counsel that Pope Benedict XVI had imparted to the participants of the Pontifical Biblical Commission in 2009.Continue Reading

A picture is worth a thousand words….and a gesture, sometimes, more than an official document…

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why the expressive though silent message transmitted through certain gestures often deserves our attention just as much as certain declarations or documents do. This is all the more true in the case of the one who has the mission of representing Jesus Christ ex officio, as his Vicar on earth.Continue Reading

Sin has ceased to be an offense to God?

It’s normal to be afraid of being bitten by a snake, whose deadly poison kills in just a few minutes. This is especially true in places where such a danger is a reality and not just a remote possibility: one walks through the natural habitat of these perilous creatures with redoubled attention to any suspicious movement….and if possible one even tries to avoid such places.Continue Reading

The divorced in second union can receive Communion?

Some of Francis’ affirmations regarding the Eucharist have been utilized by for perverse purposes — by those who always do so — so as to sow confusion among the simple faithful. These often lack the formation necessary to grasp the subtle theological nuances involved in statements that are widely broadcast. For this reason, it is indispensable to clarify certain expressions that have been causing perplexity…Continue Reading

For the family in crisis, Francis: “I do not have the recipe”

The crisis affecting the institution of the family in today’s society is amply recognized by all. Faced with this situation, Catholics who want to remain faithful to the teachings of the Church, naturally seek in the Church the correct path and true solutions they need.Continue Reading

Since God is good, does He really chastise eternally?

There are some uncomfortable truths that we would like to forget…to make things easier. Though there is certainly no benefit derived from this mentality, some people persist in it, thinking that by the fact of insistently denying the truth, it will just cease to exist.Continue Reading