Care for the unemployed and the elderly – the absolute priority of the Church?

St. Pius X warned about pastors only committed ‘to doing good, above all to resolving the problems of the people,’ but who were concerned ‘greatly about nourishment and care of the body, while silencing the salvation of the soul and the gravest obligations of the Christian faith.’ This admonition, made in a time when society was incomparably more Christian than it is today, makes us recall the words of the Divine Master: ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord’ (Deut 8:3).

What should we think of the worsening of this situation in our days? Should more emphasis be put on another aspect? Or rather would it be best to strongly insist in this sense?

In a world where family values tend to disappear, where the love of God is given secondary importance – when not entirely put aside – and where the divine precepts are taken with callous indifference, being obeyed only by a minority, what should the most urgent preoccupation of the Church be? It would seem that She should stress on impeccable catechetical formation, the transmission of Her holy doctrine to Her disoriented children, lost in this materialistic and atheistic world…

Or should the attention perhaps be focused on unemployment and the isolation of the elderly, on poverty and corruption? Aren’t these evils the result of a society without faith and without God? Should we not get to the root of the evil? Or is it better to just silence the symptoms? Holy Mother Church has the right answers…Read on…

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