The Supreme Pontiff and the supreme power to judge, under the yoke of the dictatorship of relativism

Ever since antiquity, every time that men get together in societies, the power of judgment has always been attributed to people or groups qualified in order to judge issues and infractions that tend to arise within human interaction. In the Old Testament, Moses determined that wise, intelligent and experienced men be elected among the people in order to guide and judge the tribes in their concerns and controversies, for alone, he could not continue (Deut 1:12-1). Unfortunately, human wretchedness ended up corrupting many of those who occupied such positions; such that in his day, Jesus was very severe with the hypocrites who pointed out the ‘splinter’ in their brother’s eye while not taking the ‘beam’ out of their own (Mt 7:3). Consequently, he warned in the Sermon on the Mount: ‘Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you.’

However, further He taught how one should judge: ‘Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly’ (Jn 7:24). To Him had been given the ‘power to exercise judgment, because he is the Son of Man’(Jn 5:27), and when He conceded the apostolic primacy to Peter, through the ‘power of the keys’ He constituted him as supreme judge of His Church, investing him with power to judge and condemn evil, and commend good. This power to judge is extended, naturally, into the entire ambit of human morals, including when they enter the temporal sphere. Herein lies the grave responsibility that weighs upon the one who assumes the Pontifical throne. Saint Augustine cautions: ‘If you have been constituted judge, if you have received the power to judge, if someone is accused before you, and proven guilty of sin, through real proofs, and truthful witnesses: oblige him, correct him, excommunicate him, degrade him, in conformity with the ecclesiastical norm. May tolerance be kept awake in such a way that discipline does not sleep.’(Sermon 164, 7,11). Above all in these days of confusion, the Pope has the obligation to be the ‘faithful echo and authentic interpretation of the permanent conviction of the Church’- which is not a collection of ‘personal opinions’! – especially regarding such timely and serious topics as the question of homosexuality and the ideologies accompany it, with the objective of undermining the entire moral order down to its very roots. On the contrary, unfortunate and ambiguous declarations bring about insufferable concessions even, sadly to say, on the part of many pastors who should defend the truth. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori warns: ‘The pastor that does not correct his sheep will give an account to Jesus Christ for the wrongdoings that resulted’. Click here to know more ⇒…

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2 thoughts on “The Supreme Pontiff and the supreme power to judge, under the yoke of the dictatorship of relativism

  1. PF embodies the modernist heresy and diabolical disorientation. He is the master of confusion. He clearly knows nor respects authentic Catholic Philosophy, Theology or Tradition. Pure heresy on the loose.

    • What I do not understand is why he can still be considered as a pope if he has proven to not be even a simple catholic layman?

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