Jesus came into the world to learn how to be a man? Or to save men? More Christogical novelties…

After the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Paradise, only God himself could make reparation for the offense that was committed by man’s sin. He, indeed, wished to make this reparation by sending to the world His Only Begotten Son, who was made Man in the womb of Mary. The Incarnation of the Son of God is one of the greatest mysteries of our faith, mystery of divine wisdom that is concealed under the veil of humanity.
The Creator wished to take flesh in order to manifest the glory of the Father to mankind and indicate the true path of sanctity toward Him. That is why he did not hesitate to humiliate himself, making himself obedient unto death, and death on the cross (cf. Phil 2:8).

Let us examine what the Church tells us about this text of the Epistle to the Philippines, in contrast with the original teaching of the preacher of Domus Sanctae Marthae. Denzinger-Bergoglio has more…

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One thought on “Jesus came into the world to learn how to be a man? Or to save men? More Christogical novelties…

  1. The point is that he does not believe that Jesus is God. For the same reason he denies the miracle of the loves and the fish and so on. Francis does not have faith.

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