For Francis: an abortionist with more than 10,000 victims is “one of the great names of Italy today”. What would saint Pio say of this?

We have enthusiastically watched the public veneration of the incorrupt body of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, a great saint of the 20th century, in Saint Peter’s Basilica. In this way, Francis wishes to pay homage to the saint who reconciled so many people with God, for he knew how to encourage many penitents to abandon their errors, sins and crimes. Among these, the crime of abortion. Confession is marvelous!

For Padre Pio, abortion was not just a crime against an innocent being, but rather a true suicide. Father Pellegrino once confronted him with this question:

—Padre Pio, today you denied absolution to a woman because she had voluntarily undergone an abortion. Why have you been so rigorous with this poor unfortunate?

The stigmatic saint responded:

— The day that people lose their horror for abortion, will be the most terrible day for humanity. Abortion is not only a homicide but also a suicide. Shouldn’t we have the courage to manifest our faith before those who commit two crimes within one act?

—Suicide? — asked Father Pellegrini.

—The suicide of the human race will be understood ‒ replied the saint ‒ by those who will see the earth populated by the elderly and depopulated of children: burnt as a desert.

Perhaps these words, pronounced by such a kind person as the saintly capuchin, were unknown to Francis when he put Emma Bonino — the propagator of abortions in Italy — as an example for the Italy of today – yes Italy, depopulated by a low birthrate and overflowing with elderly.

Bonino herself declared that she performed more than 10,000 abortions during 1975 alone, employing a very precarious system: she would vacuum the unborn child from the womb of the abortive mother with an air pump — the kind used for bicycle tires! — putting the mangled remains into a glass jar. There even exist historic photos in which Bonino herself wished to immortalize the feat.

Just as Saint Padre Pio had taught, the Catholic Church has always considered abortion to be an abominable crime. It may be pardoned through repentance, but nonetheless it should be the object of horror within any society that does not want to commit suicide – just as suicide, murder and theft are a cause of horror… All are sins that may be pardoned, if there is repentance.

Francis justified his praise for the abortionist Emma Bonino with the phrase: “we have to look at people, at what they do”. Bonino did abortions… maybe Francis didn’t know? We are not so naive as to believe that. Consequently, we do not understand how the pontiff could affirm that she is, “among the greatest names of Italy today”. (Corriere Della Sera, February 8, 2016English summary)

Does abortion continue to be a sin, as the Catechism teaches? Or has a new moral emerged with Emma Bonino and her fellow party members? Why this double-faced attitude of Francis?

Without manifesting the slightest repentance for the more than 10,000 clandestine abortions she performed in 1975, the elderly Bonino thanked the eulogies of Francis: “These words are what have pleased me most in my entire life” (Lultimaribattuta, February 9, 2016). Repentance? Not a bit. At least she is not manifesting repentance, and in confession we know that we must seek at least some sign of repentance. Perhaps she only experiences satisfaction in seeing the one who should be, ex officio, her greatest enemy, obsequiously bending himself before her.

And what about the remains of Padre Pio, venerated these days in St. Peter’s? From heaven, what is Padre Pio thinking about these 10,000 murders performed in 1975 and perpetrated by the ideal woman for the Italy of today, according to Francis? What does he think of his figure being manipulated in such a way?

Indeed, many questions arise about this new moral model being proposed to the modern world. (see study) How different this model is freom what was taught by Saint Padre Pio, and for which he was elevated to the honor of the altars!

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9 thoughts on “For Francis: an abortionist with more than 10,000 victims is “one of the great names of Italy today”. What would saint Pio say of this?

    • I would only be in favor of abortion in one case- if his mother had had one. And do not block mu comment for rude or offensive speech – do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Nothing more plain.

  1. I would like to share with you the info about prophecies given by Jesus to visionary Maria Divine Mercy. Many of the prophecies have already come true. The topics are very similar to the discussions in this group, so let me share some links to the Messages. Jesus says:
    “I call on those of you who love me to listen carefully to the words of the False Prophets.
    Watch, how they will not be questioned by priests; how they will be promoted by them; and how they will be allowed to preach lies from the pulpits in My Father’s house.
    These events will be widespread and they will pave the way for the False Prophet as foretold who will come soon to claim his throne.
    The abomination, which will be inflicted on the Catholic Church, will then be compounded by the work of the Antichrist.”
    It’s worth to read it and to make your own opinion about it. I think that they are the most important prophecies for our times, they explain the Book of Revelation and prepare us for Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


    • Nel 1976, in un’intervista rilasciata a Neera Fallaci per Oggi, descrisse il modo in cui diceva di aver praticato 10141 aborti clandestini: «Volendo fare le cose ad arte, si usa l’aspiratore elettrico a cui mediante un tubo si attacca la cannula Karman in plastica trasparente. Senonché l’aspiratore elettrico costa un mucchio di quattrini (mi pare 400.000 lire), a parte che pesa trasportarlo per fare aborti nelle case. Per risparmiare usiamo una attrezzatura per l’aspirazione più rudimentale, ma che funziona benissimo lo stesso. Prima di tutto, occorre un vaso, ermeticamente chiuso, dove si crea il vuoto e dove finisce il contenuto dell’utero che viene aspirato con la cannula. Io uso un barattolo da un chilo che aveva contenuto marmellata. Il barattolo viene chiuso con un tappo di gomma che ha tre fori: da un buco parte il tubo di gomma in cui si inserisce il gommino della pompa da bicicletta (con la valvola interna rovesciata per aspirare aria anziché immetterla); dal secondo buco parte il tubo di gomma in cui si inserisce la cannula Karman; nel terzo buco si mette il manometro, per controllare la pressione che si crea nel vaso con la pompa. (…) Alle donne non importa nulla che io non usi un vaso acquistato in un negozio di sanitari: anzi, è un buon motivo per farsi quattro risate».

  3. By definition of the True Teachings of the Catholic Church (pre Vatican II), Bergoglio is an Apostate. And for those who say he is their pope but choose to disobey him and his teachings, I suggest you research the Dogma of the Primacy of the Papacy (pre Vatican II of course).

  4. It is terrible that Pope Francis has praise for Emma Bonino, but she is not an abortionist, but rather a liberal, pro-abortion politician. Abortion did not become legal in Italy until 1978, so the year 1975 is doubtful in this story. And ten thousand abortions in one year would mean that she was performing about 28 per day, every day.

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