Keep the doctrinal unity… but practically deny it in interpretations and consequences

In the first paragraphs of Amoris Laetitia we encounter an affirmation that sets the entire gist of what Francis wishes to convey in this document: it is time to develop ‘various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching’ to ‘seek solutions better suited to its culture’ in family ministry.

This hypothesis attempts to justify the crucial affirmations made in the chapters that follow, opening the doors to all kinds of subjectivism regarding the most serious issues. As a result, it is virtually impossible to recognize, in all of this, the sacred doctrine left by Christ to his Church.

What Francis wants to make us believe is really farfetched: that the entire Catholic concept of the family is debatable, because alternate models and new adaptations are required for the good of the family today.

Getting to the bottom of the problem, we will see that the inspiration is nothing new. The Bergoglian doctrine is modernism applied to our present historic moment, with significant advancements, some of which not even Saint Pius X, who condemned that doctrine, would have imagined possible.

It is of utmost importance to understand the type of error behind affirmations that apparently offer something good, while camouflaging the most harmful ideas existent in the History of the Church. Denzinger-Bergoglio has more…

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3 thoughts on “Keep the doctrinal unity… but practically deny it in interpretations and consequences

  1. The next time Bergoglio has a public trip and fall, may he drop dead and may it be obvious that it is God’s hand striking him dead! Bergoglio is possessed by a cunning, conniving and seducing devil that is sowing discord and confusion, to the glee and acceptance of those possessed by the same devil[s], and to the horror and confusion of the many faithful of the Church Militant. May the faithful Catholics of the world be on guard and always vigilant to not be infected or stained with the venom of this of this son of Lucifer. St. Michael the Archangel defend us all! How much longer must we abide this destruction of the Church?

  2. I agree to Franklin. The Church is the spinal chord holding straight the Truth given by Jesus to the world. Looks like Bergoglio wants to relativize a spinal chord. There are some things that just cannot change.

  3. If the Catholic Church loses its position of upholding God’s laws through sound doctrine, what’s left in the society….

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