What is the Church for Francis? A divine institution or a philanthropic organization to defend human rights?

Jesus said: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you’ (Jn 14:27). This is why the Church has never wished to be considered a philanthropic institution that suits the likes and dislikes of humans of every age, regardless of their moral practices and customs.

The peace that the Church gives to the world is the peace of Christ, and out of fidelity to Christian principles Catholics should never fear opposing the opinions of their times. The necessity to contradict worldly convictions leads the Christian to live out what Christ proclaimed: ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword’ (Mt 10:34). Why the Church does not change a single letter of the teachings of Christ is because of her fidelity to him and to his holy laws, not because of the modern concept of human dignity. Otherwise, the Church would have to adapt her positions to the concept of human dignity prevailing in each historic age.

A dramatic example: the world preaches that the importance of a woman’s dignity exceeds that of her child’s life. Regarding this, the Church not only affirms that ‘God is lord and arbiter of life and death’, but also punishes with excommunication the mother who practices abortion. This is because the Church does not base her morality on ‘the common good,’ but rather conforms it to God’s Commandments. And in the abovementioned case, the immorality of the action is not appraised on the basis of the ‘trauma caused to the mother,’ but rather on the commandment ‘You shall not kill.’ And we could avail ourselves of myriad further examples.

The Church’s objective is the salvation of souls and the implantation of Christ’s Kingdom in the world. The more the Church is able to spread this Kingdom on earth, the more true peace is established and man’s dignity is respected. That is, peace and dignity in keeping with Gospel principles, and not those of the secularized world in which we live.

Attaching importance to being recognized by public opinion as a credible institution, trusted for its solidarity and concern for those in greatest need might be appropriate for an NGO, but not for a divine institution.

Once again, Francis seems to seek to disfigure the image of the Immaculate Spouse of Christ, lending her a lay character, diminishing her and stripping her of supernatural essence. Can the intentions of one who weakens the figure of the Church with his words be trusted? Is it possible to believe in a leader who lowers the level of the very institution he claims to guide? Let us, then, recall the supernatural motives behind the Church’s evangelizing efforts. Read more…

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2 thoughts on “What is the Church for Francis? A divine institution or a philanthropic organization to defend human rights?

  1. If people “considered the Church a credible institution”, to use Francis’s own words, it is not due to him, who is trying his best to destroy her. Humble as he is, I do not think he will mind if we correct him and say, the Church is not a credible institution, the Church is a divine institution. And even if her internal enemies try to destroy her, Christ’s promise will never be un-done.

  2. I find everything Francis says to be so void of meaning, empty and almost insulting. Salvation of souls is the last thing he is worried about. I am very saddened to see the state of the Church, but reading a book of St. Catherine of Siena I exalted when I saw how God sent her to rebuke the Pope of her time. Will God send us a new St.Catherine? I do believe he will, and it may very well be one of you Priests that receive this mission! May God bless you, as only He knows the light and encouragement you are giving to so many American families.

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