Pray the Rosary? But not too much… Francis and the counting of beads…

What joy for a mother to receive a flower form her little child! Her joy would surely be greater if her little one did not just offer her one rose, but a beautiful bouquet. What joy would be hers if, on a very special day all her children were to decorate the house with more than 175 thousand flowers?Continue Reading

When the wolf attacks the sheep, what should the shepherd do?

The figure of the Good Shepherd, ready to confront the wolf so as to protect and save his sheep even at the cost of his own life (Jn 10: 11-12) is an eloquent and very moving image. Created by Our Lord Jesus Christ himself to describe his own sentiments, it also expresses the pastoral zeal that every Bishop should have for the competent fulfillment of his mission, in collaboration with his priests and under the authority of the High Pontiff, “teaching, sanctifying, and governing” (Vatican Council II. Decree Christus Dominus, no. 11).Continue Reading

Youth – a time for revolution or for heroism in faith?

Throughout the ages, stories of heroes – whether true or legendary – have thrilled the hearts of the young.   As a result of the disinterested courage and idealism characteristic of their age-group, adolescents dream of great undertakings. To such hearts, burning with desire for heroism, the Church has always presented models that would stimulate true valor, perfect audacity, and authentic generosity – in a word, sanctity. Who is not touched by the courageous lives of young people such as Saint Agnes, Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, and Saint Maria Goretti?Continue Reading

Francis: what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?

‘Charity begins at home’. This popular expression clearly transmits the attitude that an apostle of the Gospel should have. In fact, no one can give to others what he himself doesn’t possess. Continue Reading

Does the legislation of the Church constitute a dictatorial regime?

When the Queen of Sheba heard of the great wisdom of Solomon, she allowed no obstacle to impede her undertaking the difficult journey to meet this great monarch, despite the fact that protracted expeditions at the time were perilous adventures. She made all these efforts just to encounter an earthly king, and to observe his wisdom. Impressed with all she had seen and heard in Jerusalem, and after presenting the richest of gifts to the king of Israel, she returned to her country, filled with admiration (cf. 2Chron 9:1-12).Continue Reading

Laudato si’ (II): what Francis forgot

Advertizing, news, social networks…we are bombarded on all sides by information…But the information we receive is often contradictory. Who should we listen to? What path should we follow? Where is the real truth to be found?Continue Reading

The evangelization of the Americas: an offense of the Church?

‘What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun’ (Eccles 1:9). Those who lived the years previous to the commemoration of the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of America (1992) were perhaps not surprised with the words that Francis pronounced a few days ago in Ecuador and Bolivia. Continue Reading

100 million dead…in favor of the poor?

For the past century the world has been submerged in terrible chaos. All of the conflicts experienced by humanity until this point were nothing in comparison with the warfare of the twentieth century. And it wasn’t just because of military apparatus, but also cruel ideologies employed with the intention of oppressing humanity.Continue Reading

Treasures for Christians in other religions?

The delicate topic of interreligious dialogue certainly implies important nuances. A partially presented truth, or a truth presented in a somewhat distorted manner may easily lead to indifferentism, according to which all religions would be considered as paths leading toward God, mutually complementing one another. Within this perspective, what necessity would we have of Jesus Christ and the Church for salvation? Is something lacking to the Spouse of Christ that she needs to receive from other religions? Let’s take a look at what Francis and the Magisterium say about this. ..Read more…

Are all religions equal since we need to respect all religions?

Recently, it has become common to hear affirmations regarding the right to religious liberty that end up confusing diverse concepts such that it seems to indicate an almost obligatory religious pluralism that intends to put all religions – Christian or non-Christian – on the same level. Continue Reading