Can simple good-will replace theological investigation?

‘The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into the mind at once quietly and with power’. These are words of wisdom from the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican Council II. And what is theology if not the search and explicitation of divine truth? Really, theological reflection revives faith, for the truth offered by Revelation surpasses the capacities of human knowledge, but does not oppose reason.Continue Reading

If the family is the family, can one also say that it is a social and cultural reality?

This site, which aims to shed light on the terribly confusing ideas that go around these days, ever since its beginnings some time ago has quite predictably received, receives and it most probably will continue to receive, criticism from various quarters. Continue Reading

The anger of Jesus in the Gospels is only pretense? Elements for a new Christology

With the Incarnation of the Word and the Redemption of humanity, Our Lord Jesus Christ became the center of History, such that rendering him honor, serving him and propagating his name became the highest goal of all the baptized. These have never tired of increasing their knowledge of Christ in this life while awaiting the definitive encounter with Him in eternity.Continue Reading

Are they trying to ‘pass off a cat as rabbit’? Francis and the Social Doctrine of the Church

The tale is told that once upon a time in Spain, the poor quality of the meals offered at wayside inns got to such a point that the guests, before tucking in, would say the verse: “Si eres cabrito, mantente frito; si eres gato, salta del plato” – which loses its rhyme in translating as: ‘If you are a goat, continue roasted; but if you are cat, hop out of my plate!’ Continue Reading

The theologian, a doctor of sacred science or a social agent? The difference between studying Revelation, and studying the street…

The mission of a theologian is of prime importance for the growth of the Church, because his conclusions flow from the treasure of Revelation and from delving attentively into the wisdom found in the depths of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The whole Church rejoices when a true theological reflection brings clearly into light an obscure aspect of doctrine or opens a new path to deepen our knowledge of the richness of our faith.Continue Reading

Education, sport and culture – without God?! – the pillars of youth formation for Francis

In the calendar of Catholic Saints there are numerous saints who excelled in the formation of youth. Saints who, in the most varied junctures in history were called to support and sanctify this age-group, so often neglected…but which God never abandons. Among them, perhaps no one is as renowned for the vastness of his work as Saint John Bosco. His life, full of miracles, and his particular charism for carrying out his mission make of the father of the Salesian family the authority par excellence in the area of youth education. His work, born in the midst of adverse circumstances, has today spread throughout the world.Continue Reading

Do Catholics and muslims worship the same God?

Some of the most beautiful pages of the History of the Church are doubtlessly those written with the blood of the Martyrs who, giving their lives for love of Jesus Christ, received from the hands of their executioners both the death of their mortal bodies and the everlasting glory of immolating themselves for the One who had rescued them on the Cross. Defenseless children, heroic virgins, robust men, venerable ancients, throughout the ages and in all places, have heard the summons to give a resplendent and moving testimony to the power of the Gospel.Continue Reading

At the center of our faith: Jesus Christ or the human person?

The Catholic faith we received on the day of our Baptism is centered on the person of Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of the Father, Lord of all creation, and Redeemer of humanity. Continue Reading

Poverty, what crimes are committed in thy name!

“Oh Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!” These were the last words pronounced by Madame Roland, one of the vital participants of the French Revolution, before she lay her head on the block to be guillotined. Continue Reading

Is clericalism an attitude that has nothing to do with Christianity?

By instituting ordained ministers in his Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ inaugurated “the most elevated dignity among all of the hierarchies of the earth”, a new category of men called to actuate in persona Christi, in order to dispense the treasures of the redemption to sinful humanity, as authentic mediators between heaven and earth. These men chosen by Christ himself are participants of the authority with which He forms, sanctifies and rules his Mystical Body, and their dignity is even greater than the angels.Continue Reading