I think I said before that our objective is not to proselytise

Spiritual realities surpass natural realities, often evading the capacity of our limited intelligence. That’s why the Divine Master frequently used analogies when he explained the marvels of his kingdom to his followers. Continue Reading

100 million dead…in favor of the poor?

For the past century the world has been submerged in terrible chaos. All of the conflicts experienced by humanity until this point were nothing in comparison with the warfare of the twentieth century. And it wasn’t just because of military apparatus, but also cruel ideologies employed with the intention of oppressing humanity.Continue Reading

We are all equal – everyone! But this equality is not acknowledged and society is unjust

‘You will be like gods’ (Gen 3:5). When Eve fell into the temptation proposed by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, there were immediate and disastrous consequences for our first parents: expulsion from Paradise, loss of supernatural and preternatural gifts, and a life of suffering. Continue Reading

Treasures for Christians in other religions?

The delicate topic of interreligious dialogue certainly implies important nuances. A partially presented truth, or a truth presented in a somewhat distorted manner may easily lead to indifferentism, according to which all religions would be considered as paths leading toward God, mutually complementing one another. Within this perspective, what necessity would we have of Jesus Christ and the Church for salvation? Is something lacking to the Spouse of Christ that she needs to receive from other religions? Let’s take a look at what Francis and the Magisterium say about this. ..Read more…

Are all religions equal since we need to respect all religions?

Recently, it has become common to hear affirmations regarding the right to religious liberty that end up confusing diverse concepts such that it seems to indicate an almost obligatory religious pluralism that intends to put all religions – Christian or non-Christian – on the same level. Continue Reading

St. Augustine: Christ wouldn’t add good in ‘I am the good Shepherd,’ were there not bad shepherds. Where do good shepherds hear God’s voice?

It’s no novelty that the texts of Vatican Council II have often been manipulated with diverse intentions; consequently, it’s necessary to read them within their context and in light of the Magisterium, which has been guiding humanity for almost 2000 years.Continue Reading

Pope Francis on centuries of monastic life: a ‘movement of snobs’ and ‘spiritual hairdressers’ with ‘all the sicknesses of isolation’

Ever since the beginning of Christianity, certain men and women have been called to offer themselves entirely to God: they leave the world to dedicate themselves exclusively to prayer, fasting and penance in intimacy with the Lord. Many obtained such a fame of sanctity that they ended up attracting multitudes – their example awakened in many others the desire of imitating their lives of perfection. Small communities thus originated; and these became the starting point for the great religious orders of the future.Continue Reading

Is God the Spirit of the world?

If we analyze the concept of God in different religions we will encounter the most varied and contradictory interpretations. But for Francis, God is not catholic, He is universal, and each one can conceive the idea of God as he wills...Read on…

A picture is worth a thousand words….and a gesture, sometimes, more than an official document…

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why the expressive though silent message transmitted through certain gestures often deserves our attention just as much as certain declarations or documents do. This is all the more true in the case of the one who has the mission of representing Jesus Christ ex officio, as his Vicar on earth.Continue Reading

Since God is good, does He really chastise eternally?

There are some uncomfortable truths that we would like to forget…to make things easier. Though there is certainly no benefit derived from this mentality, some people persist in it, thinking that by the fact of insistently denying the truth, it will just cease to exist.Continue Reading