What is the Church for Francis? A divine institution or a philanthropic organization to defend human rights?

Jesus said: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you’ (Jn 14:27). This is why the Church has never wished to be considered a philanthropic institution that suits the likes and dislikes of humans of every age, regardless of their moral practices and customs.Continue Reading

Keep the doctrinal unity… but practically deny it in interpretations and consequences

In the first paragraphs of Amoris Laetitia we encounter an affirmation that sets the entire gist of what Francis wishes to convey in this document: it is time to develop ‘various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching’ to ‘seek solutions better suited to its culture’ in family ministry.Continue Reading

The Church has defects???

“Do we love the Church as we love our mothers, also taking into account her defects?” This question proffered by Francis, reveals the high concept he has of the institution he governs. The defects of the Church? What is he referring to? Didn’t Saint Paul proclaim her to be “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:27)? Continue Reading

Poor Judas…

That’s right. Judas experienced the worst evil that anyone could suffer. He was not warmly welcomed!

No one embraced him after he betrayed the Savior. No one had pity on him. He was treated harshly and…without knowing what to do, he sought the gibbet.Continue Reading

Mercy, the compass and the weathervane….the Vatican Council II and hermeneutics and the torn down walls of the Church

To say that someone is ‘as changeable as a weathervane’ is a way to describe a person who constantly modifies his opinion or attitude according to the trend of the moment, just like a weathervane at the whims of the wind.Continue Reading

A re-reading of the Gospels: was it only mercy that moved Christ?

It is very pleasing, and above all, we feel love and admiration when, on going through the pages of the Gospel, we observe how Jesus ‘went about doing good’ (Acts 10: 38) – He cured all, pardoned sins, multiplied loaves, resurrected the dead, blessed children, etc. But, there is a truth that is often forgotten in our days, and even ends up being despised by those who would prefer to tear away the memory of it from their consciences: in the inseparable unity of merciful Jesus, there also exists justice, severity and integrity that does not tolerate the abominations or the errors of those who obstinately persist in sin. Both are the same Jesus…in both ways, Jesus is good, rather He is Goodness itself!Continue Reading

Jesus came into the world to learn how to be a man? Or to save men? More Christogical novelties…

After the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Paradise, only God himself could make reparation for the offense that was committed by man’s sin. He, indeed, wished to make this reparation by sending to the world His Only Begotten Son, who was made Man in the womb of Mary. The Incarnation of the Son of God is one of the greatest mysteries of our faith, mystery of divine wisdom that is concealed under the veil of humanity.Continue Reading

The anger of Jesus in the Gospels is only pretense? Elements for a new Christology

With the Incarnation of the Word and the Redemption of humanity, Our Lord Jesus Christ became the center of History, such that rendering him honor, serving him and propagating his name became the highest goal of all the baptized. These have never tired of increasing their knowledge of Christ in this life while awaiting the definitive encounter with Him in eternity.Continue Reading

The theologian, a doctor of sacred science or a social agent? The difference between studying Revelation, and studying the street…

The mission of a theologian is of prime importance for the growth of the Church, because his conclusions flow from the treasure of Revelation and from delving attentively into the wisdom found in the depths of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The whole Church rejoices when a true theological reflection brings clearly into light an obscure aspect of doctrine or opens a new path to deepen our knowledge of the richness of our faith.Continue Reading