The Supreme Pontiff and the supreme power to judge, under the yoke of the dictatorship of relativism

Ever since antiquity, every time that men get together in societies, the power of judgment has always been attributed to people or groups qualified in order to judge issues and infractions that tend to arise within human interaction. In the Old Testament, Moses determined that wise, intelligent and experienced men be elected among the people in order to guide and judge the tribes in their concerns and controversies, for alone, he could not continue (Deut 1:12-1). Continue Reading

Pope Francis’ (mis)citations of Saint Thomas Aquinas

‘A text taken out of context is often a pretext’ the saying goes…As we know, an author’s words may easily be manipulated when only partially quoted. It’s possible, in such cases, to give it a totally new meaning or even a meaning opposite to the original.Continue Reading

Laudato si’ (II): what Francis forgot

Advertizing, news, social networks…we are bombarded on all sides by information…But the information we receive is often contradictory. Who should we listen to? What path should we follow? Where is the real truth to be found?Continue Reading

We are all equal – everyone! But this equality is not acknowledged and society is unjust

‘You will be like gods’ (Gen 3:5). When Eve fell into the temptation proposed by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, there were immediate and disastrous consequences for our first parents: expulsion from Paradise, loss of supernatural and preternatural gifts, and a life of suffering. Continue Reading

Are souls punished with annihilation?

What will happen to us after death? Where will we all go? This is one of the great interrogations of all human beings, whether Christians or not. Throughout history, the answer to these questions has often been sought in a manner that doesn’t demand a rigorous moral attitude that is coherent with the belief in an eternal life and a infinite God who rewards and chastises….Continue Reading

God’s omnipotence, natural evolution and magicians

I believe in God the Father Almighty…’ That’s how the Creed starts, that’s how we pray it every day, that’s what Christians believe, basing our conviction on Revelation.Continue Reading

Are all religions equal since we need to respect all religions?

Recently, it has become common to hear affirmations regarding the right to religious liberty that end up confusing diverse concepts such that it seems to indicate an almost obligatory religious pluralism that intends to put all religions – Christian or non-Christian – on the same level. Continue Reading

Jesus did not multiply the loaves, but only indicated that it was necessary to distribute our goods?

It’s probable that many of our readers received their catechism classes during the turbulent years of the 70’s, and may have heard, wide-eyed and scandalized, that the well-known miracle of the multiplication of the loaves – transmitted in the Gospel – was nothing more than a metaphor to symbolize the power of sharing with others. It was a time in which many things in the Church were re-interpreted by some…and much innocence was lost.Continue Reading

The privileged place for the encounter with Jesus Christ is our sins?

When, to a pitcher of water, a tiny drop of poison has been added, no one would claim that it is suitable to drink. This is true also of our spiritual life, in which it is not justifiable to choose the path of mediocrity, establishing a compromise between the pure water of virtue and the poison of sin. Continue Reading

St. Augustine: Christ wouldn’t add good in ‘I am the good Shepherd,’ were there not bad shepherds. Where do good shepherds hear God’s voice?

It’s no novelty that the texts of Vatican Council II have often been manipulated with diverse intentions; consequently, it’s necessary to read them within their context and in light of the Magisterium, which has been guiding humanity for almost 2000 years.Continue Reading