Poverty: new definition of the Mystical Body of Christ?

Love for the poor is no novelty within the Church of Christ, although some try to present it as a recent innovation, something that sprung up in the past few years…Continue Reading

At the Final Judgment, Christ will be an advocate and not the judge?

The contemplation of the imposing drama of the Last Judgment has always been of immense benefit to the faithful; and even in our days, it’s an efficacious element for awakening consciences and calling to conversion. A subject that appears with clarity and frequency in the Sacred Scriptures, the Last Judgment holds great pastoral value and is easily understandable by all. The Church condenses this truth of the faith in the definitive and simple words that Catholics pray daily in the Creed: Christ will come ‘to judge the living and the dead.’Continue Reading

Atheists do good? They are also children of God? And heirs to God’s kingdom?

Do good and avoid evil…without doubt that’s everyone’s obligation, since no one is able to stifle that inner voice that, in the depths of the heart, constantly indicates this obligation. But…is everyone able to respond to this call in the same manner, with equal clarity and equivalent effects?Continue Reading

Boasting of his sins? Did Saint Paul really do that?

‘For a correct interpretation of Sacred Scripture it is therefore necessary to seek attentively what the hagiographers have truly wished to state and what it has pleased God to express in human words.’ This is the wise counsel that Pope Benedict XVI had imparted to the participants of the Pontifical Biblical Commission in 2009.Continue Reading

The divorced in second union can receive Communion?

Some of Francis’ affirmations regarding the Eucharist have been utilized by for perverse purposes — by those who always do so — so as to sow confusion among the simple faithful. These often lack the formation necessary to grasp the subtle theological nuances involved in statements that are widely broadcast. For this reason, it is indispensable to clarify certain expressions that have been causing perplexity…Continue Reading

For the family in crisis, Francis: “I do not have the recipe”

The crisis affecting the institution of the family in today’s society is amply recognized by all. Faced with this situation, Catholics who want to remain faithful to the teachings of the Church, naturally seek in the Church the correct path and true solutions they need.Continue Reading

Care for the unemployed and the elderly – the absolute priority of the Church?

St. Pius X warned about pastors only committed ‘to doing good, above all to resolving the problems of the people,’ but who were concerned ‘greatly about nourishment and care of the body, while silencing the salvation of the soul and the gravest obligations of the Christian faith.’ This admonition, made in a time when society was incomparably more Christian than it is today, makes us recall the words of the Divine Master: ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord’ (Deut 8:3).Continue Reading

Is truth a relation or is truth absolute?

‘The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is’. With these words Churchill well expressed the consistency and resilience of truth, so often unappreciated in our days, where unabashed cynical relativism, subjectivism and changing values have so often deviated humanity from He who is the Way, Truth and Life. Our confused generation questions just as Pilate did: ‘What is truth?’ (Jn 18:38). Is it a sign of the times that the Successor of Peter doesn’t wish to speak of an absolute truth? ..Read more…

Shouldn’t youth be taught the truth about marriage?

It’s no novelty that the enemies of the Holy Church try to manipulate the words of the ecclesiastical hierarchy in favor of their own illegitimate interests.Continue Reading

Is there a Catholic God?

‘We all adore the same God’… This type of expression, of significant theological imprecision, is often to be heard when of people from different religions engage in careless ecumenical chatter.Continue Reading