A re-reading of the Gospels: was it only mercy that moved Christ?

It is very pleasing, and above all, we feel love and admiration when, on going through the pages of the Gospel, we observe how Jesus ‘went about doing good’ (Acts 10: 38) – He cured all, pardoned sins, multiplied loaves, resurrected the dead, blessed children, etc. But, there is a truth that is often forgotten in our days, and even ends up being despised by those who would prefer to tear away the memory of it from their consciences: in the inseparable unity of merciful Jesus, there also exists justice, severity and integrity that does not tolerate the abominations or the errors of those who obstinately persist in sin. Both are the same Jesus…in both ways, Jesus is good, rather He is Goodness itself!Continue Reading

True catholic doctrine on private property… and Francis’ version of it

After having analyzed the references made by Francs in his Encyclical Laudato Si’ regarding the topic of private property (see parts I, II and III of this study) – using for his end certain citations of John Paul II, the meaning of which were deliberately left unclear – perhaps a doubt has arisen for our readers. In light of the facts that these studies have demonstrated, what intention does Francis have with all of this?Continue Reading

Islam promotes peace? By systematically violating the natural and divine laws?

In the previous parts of our study, we have clearly observed that peace is a work of justice and a fruit of charity. It results from the practice of what is good, which is taught by the natural and divine law and accomplished with the help of grace. We now arrive at the point where we might ask – especially considering the declarations of Francis that we are analyzing: Is peace possible in Islam without the concept of an objective good or the natural law and above all without the indispensable aid of supernatural grace?Continue Reading

When the poor expelled Christ…

From the heart, love and compassion spring, and life flows. Within a home, the children are the primary concern of the family, but the mother is the heart. Without the mother, what are the children?Continue Reading

For Francis, Islam is a religion of peace. Peace…without Christ?

In the first part of the study, we saw how the Redemption gave to man an abundance of grace, liberating him from sin, which is the true demolisher of peace. It was Christ, therefore, who brought peace to the earth and it is only within the religion He founded – the only dispenser of grace – that true peace is found, since peace is always a fruit of justice and charity. Christ is peace and his Church is the only element that guarantees it. Pius XII affirmed: “How far removed from procuring a secure peace are those who trample underfoot the sacred rights of the Catholic Church”….. which is precisely what Islam does!!! More on this…

Islam according to Francis: a religion of peace?… “Slay them wherever ye find them”

If someone who is asleep is in perfect physical and mental health, he enjoys a tranquility which is the result of the order that prevails in his interior. On the other hand, a person who has fainted may seem tranquil but his lethargy is the consequence of an organic or psychic disorder, and consequently, it may not be considered peace. In a similar way, the silence of a tomb may not be considered peace, for there, the decomposition of a body is in process.Continue Reading

Jesus came into the world to learn how to be a man? Or to save men? More Christogical novelties…

After the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Paradise, only God himself could make reparation for the offense that was committed by man’s sin. He, indeed, wished to make this reparation by sending to the world His Only Begotten Son, who was made Man in the womb of Mary. The Incarnation of the Son of God is one of the greatest mysteries of our faith, mystery of divine wisdom that is concealed under the veil of humanity.Continue Reading

Who are the authentic guides that the faithful must follow?

A dedicated university student diligently prepares for final exams. His professional future will depend on his good results. Besides attending classes, the student will consult various sources, ask for advice from people who have already completed the same studies, and he will also seek the opinion of those who have mastered the topics at hand….but in all cases, his main attention will be focused on the lectures received from the professors. No one studies for exams depending merely on the assistance received from their companions! Security comes from following the guidance received from those who have the task of teaching.Continue Reading

Following the commandments is an obligation or an option?

Among the wide feedback that we have been receiving from around the globe, offering support and useful contributions, some time ago we received a suggestion for an analysis, from a brother priest, regarding one of the topics addressed by Francis in a General Audience, during the preparatory series for the Synod of Bishops on the family. This request already contains some excellent points for this study, and so we decided to make it available to our readers. Obviously, we have excluded the parts of the letter that might reveal the identity of the priest (and have copied from the original English translation passages that our brother priest cites in Spanish).Continue Reading

The Catholic Faith has nothing to do with Muslim beliefs!

At the end of the 16th century, an Archbishop of Valencia marked its history and that of the Church, for he was elevated to the altars by pope John XXIII in 1960. Saint John de Ribera was a true Shepherd. Not satisfied with merely caring for the faithful of his diocese, he also went in search of new sheep. One of his greatest concerns was to convert the followers of Mohammed to the Catholic Faith, and after having converted them, to instruct them well in the faith. Continue Reading